Entries by Haus der Technik


12th Advanced Battery Power Conference, March 24-25, 2020 in Münster/Germany

Join the international battery network with industrial and scientific poster exhibitions, where Scientists, Young talents and industry experts share their latest insights for applications in batteries and energy infrastructure. One of the highlights of the growing battery business worldwide, the 12th International Advanced  Battery Conference 2020, March 24-25, 2020 in Münster, Germany, offers an excellent platform for […]


10th International Symposium: Advanced Battery Power – Kraftwerk Batterie

Modern life thrives on the availability of electrical energy. Countless applications spanning from medical to industrial and consumer products have been made possible only by modern battery technology. Albeit both, limited energy density and high costs, sectors such as mobility, communications, renewable energy, count on the development of rising storage performances with regard to price, […]

Jeff Dahn won an award!

Jeff Dahn, working at Dalhousie University, Canada, is the winner of NSERC’s 2017 Gerhard Herzberg Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering doted with 1 million $. In 2016,  Tesla Motors created a five-year partnership with NSERC and Dalhousie University, forming the NSERC/Tesla Canada Industrial Research Chair, headed by Dahn. Jeff Dahn will be one of […]

Conference: Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management

Date May 17th – 18th, 2017 in Bamberg With EEHE – Electric & Electronic Systems in Hybrid and Electric Vehicles and Electrical Energy Management – Haus der Technik provides a brilliant opportunity for developers, users and researchers to meet. The conference attendants thus have a chance to meet all important players in the industry at […]


Feedback to the Poster-Session 2016

Prof. Peter Birke, Universität Stuttgart »Sehr gut gelungen ist die Vielfalt der Themen in der Poster-Session.« Xueijao Sun, Forschungszentrum Jülich »I saw a lot of different ideas. It helped me a lot for my master-studies.« Simon Wiemers-Meyer, Wilhelms-Universität Münster »Die fachliche Ausrichtung ist breit gefächert.«


Battery Specialists meet in Münster

Researchers and scientists invite an international audience to attend the prestigious conference on Advanced Battery Power on 26 and 27 April 2016 MEET, the Battery Research Centre of the Westphalian Wilhelms University of Münster (WWU) will stage the 8th international conference on Advanced Battery Power on 26 and 27 April 2016. The venue is “Messe […]